Software Developer

Who Am I?

I am a Software Developer with a background in Search Engine Optimisation [SEO]

My interest in programming and web development sparked the first moment I was exposed to the code during my SEO times. It all started with optimising H1 tags in raw HTML.

Gradually my interest grew so I decided to attend an online coding bootcamp and learn how to think like a developer and how to write good code.

With my solid foundation in SEO and my web development skills, search optimisation is a first class citizen to all projects.

Aleks Gorbenko

My life and work ethic are summed up in a single Stoic maxim that I live by every day:

“Impediment to action advances action, what stands in the way become the way”

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If You Want To Learn More

Here are a few other things about me:

My Projects

Flixter app by Aleks Gorbenko

2-Sided Online Course Marketplace

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Tech used:

Ruby/Rails, Bootstrap 3, jQuery UI, AJAX, Git, Heroku, AWS S3, PostgreSQL, Stripe API

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Nomster app by Aleks Gorbenko

London's Russian Restaurant Review Site

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Tech used:

Ruby/Rails, Bootstrap 3, Git, Heroku, AWS S3, PostgreSQL, Google Maps API

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ToDo app by Aleks Gorbenko

ToDo Application

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Tech used:

Ruby/Rails, jQuery, AJAX, Git, Heroku, PostgreSQL

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Nomster app by Aleks Gorbenko

Image Upload Service

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Tech used:

Ruby/Rails, Bootstrap 3, Git, Heroku, AWS S3, PostgreSQL, Rspec, TDD Workflow

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Ping Pong app by Aleks Gorbenko


Tech used:

SASS, jQuery, Gulp, Bower

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Github Battle app by Aleks Gorbenko

Github Account Battle

Tech used:

React, Webpack, Bootstrap 3, GitHub API

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Nomster app by Aleks Gorbenko

Ernest Shackleton Tribute

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Tech used:

Ruby/Rails, Bootstrap 3, Git, Heroku, AWS S3, PostgreSQL

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Other Projects

As a final project of the coding bootcamp I have worked in a team of 5 remote developers building a Ruby On Rails Chess Application. We have employed the following best practices:

I have written the following logic:

While building this site, I have learned Jekyll and also got introduced to Bower and Gulp.

What People Are Saying About My Work

Aleks is very motivated individual who knows what he wants to achieve.

He demonstrated that he is capable of learning new skills quickly, and used them to create high-quality work. More often than not, Aleks went above and beyond what the course material asked him to do, and he was always finding extra material to read about the topics he was learning about.

With the skills Aleks already has in SEO, and the newly acquired web development ones, I am confident Aleks would thrive in web development where he has the opportunity to learn from his peers.

Joe Green - Senior Software Developer, uSwitch

Aleks was the first person I got to know when I arrived to London and I must say that I am really impressed by his passion for programming and the knowledge that he has gathered in the last 6 months in this field.

He has a ‘can-do’ mentality and he is an extremely fast learner. If you want something done he will put in blood, sweat and tears to make it happen.

I am looking forward to working with Aleks on projects and launching our development podcast.

Marcus Carlsson - Full Stack Developer, i3

Aleks is a very hardworking and good person who was a strong member of our team. He is extremely technical but was able to easily describe what he was doing to none technical clients.

I worked with Aleks closely and he is someone who could always be relied upon under pressure or in an emergency.

He is a very friendly, affable and likeable person who got on well with every member of the team and his clients.

Adam Vowles - Head of SEO, SUSO Digital

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